Sustainability and Emissions Reduction: Australias carbon reduction mandates greener infrastructure practices

The infrastructure technology for greener outcomes exists, but it’s a matter of adopting it with the intent to change the way we work.
In this article published in The Mandarin, Micah Gabriels CEO of Mooven discusses the opportunity we have to make real step changes in carbon reduction within the roading and infrastructure sector.
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Across the Tasman Sea, we’ve seen encouraging examples of how innovation in infrastructure delivery can offer improved holistic outcomes. In Auckland, construction group Downer was expected to take 20 shifts over a five-week period to revamp a busy commercial precinct on Manukau Road. Through the use of modern technology, the team could identify smarter and longer working windows, allowing them to complete the job in six shifts.
All in all, the project reduced greenhouse emissions by 27%, and a huge part of this success was because trucks weren’t needed to run for as many days as originally expected. Further, more uninterrupted time meant fewer breaks in the laying of asphalt, and this means longer lasting surfaces and fewer future repairs. The radically shorter delivery time also reduced the economic and environmental cost of disruption with residents spending less time in impact traffic.
These savings didn’t require a heavy investment in new equipment, they were realised by empowering existing teams with the information they needed to work smarter…Read more
(Excerpt from The Mandarin, Australia’s carbon reduction mandates greener infrastructure practices)
Read more about this topic in Moovens case studies and articles
Case study
Reduced Carbon Emissions - Mooven works with customers who amongst many delivery outcomes, strive to meet environmental constraints, funding criteria around environmental KPIs and the goal to reduce their footprint and operate in a more sustainable manner.
Four ways to optimize roading infrastructure projects for emissions reduction - Mooven unpacks clean tech, the huge carbon reduction opportunities that exist in the sector, four ways Mooven partners with organisations to optimize roading infrastructure projects for emissions reduction and provides practical examples from some of the customers we partner with.